Word Delete Comment Shortcut

Microsoft Word allows you to make use of comments to mark changes or to provide additional information to your readers. You will find below the steps to Insert, Change or Delete Comments in Microsoft Word Documents.

Once you start a comment thread inside a Word document, you can choose to delete, hide, print, or reply to it. Delete a Comment To delete a comment, right-click on the comment and select Delete Comment. Keyboard Shortcuts for Comments # Keyboard Shortcuts for Comments. Beginning with WordPress Version 2.7, the ability to use keyboard shortcuts to browse and moderate comments was introduced. These keyboard shortcuts are designed to save time by allowing you to rapidly navigate and perform actions on comments.


Word Delete Comment Shortcut

Shortcut Keys of MS Word: To do document work faster you need to use shortcut keys that are used frequency. Shortcut keys reduce the mouse work and makes document work pretty fast in less time.Most Important and Frequent used shortcuts of MS Word are discussed below. To delete all comments from all sheets in a workbook, a macro might be appropriate: Sub DeleteAllComments Dim WS As Worksheet For Each WS In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets WS.UsedRange.ClearComments Next End Sub and you can associate a shortcut key with the macro via Tools Macro Macros DeleteAllComments Options. In Windows you can delete a comment on the keyboard as follows: Shift + F10 to open right-click menu Type 'm' to Delete comment In Excel 2016 on a Mac, you can actually type letters to select menu items in the right-click menu.

Insert, Change and Delete Comments in Microsoft Word

To Insert comments or to Edit and Delete Comments in Microsoft Word document, you can follow the steps as listed below for the version of Microsoft Word that you are currently using.

Insert Comments in Microsoft Word (2013 and later versions)

1. Open the Microsoft Word Document in which you want to Insert Comments.

2. Using your mouse, place the Cursor where you want the Comment to be inserted. You can also highlight a word, group of words or the entire sentence that needs to be commented.

3. Once you have made the selection, click on the Insert tab in the top menu bar and then click on the Comment option.

4. Once you click on Comment, you will see a Comment box placed at the far right side of the document (See image below).

5. Type your desired Comment in the Comment box and click on Add Comment Icon located at the far right end of the Comment box or click on +Comment option located in the top-menu bar (See above image).

Insert Comments in Microsoft Word (2007 and 2010 versions)

1. Place the mouse Cursor where you want to insert the Comment. You can also highlight Words or the entire sentence related to the Comment that you want to Insert.

2. After making your selection, click on the Review tab in the top menu bar and then click on New Comment option. This will Insert a New Comment box at the far right side of the document (See image below)

3. Click your Mouse in the Comment box and type your desired Comment.

Insert Comments in Microsoft Word (2003 and earlier versions)

1. Place the mouse Cursor where you want to insert the Comment. You can also highlight one or more words or the entire sentence related to the Comment that you want to Insert.

How To Turn Off Comments In Word

2. After making your selection, click on the Insert tab located in the top menu bar and then click on Comment option in the drop-down menu.

3. You will see New Comment Insertion location at the far right side of the document. Click your mouse in the Comment insertion location and type your desired Comment.

Edit or Change Comments in Microsoft Word

You can follow the steps below to Edit or Change Comments in Microsoft Word document.

1. Open the Microsoft Word document in which you want to Edit Comments.


2. Find the Comment that you want to edit. You will see Comments at the right side of the document.

3. Click on the Comment that you want to Edit and make changes as required.

Delete Comments in Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word Delete Comment Shortcut

At any time, you can delete Comments in Microsoft Word document by following the steps below.

1. Open the Microsoft Word document in which you want to Delete Comments.

2. Find the Comment that you want to Delete (Comments will be visible at the right side of the document).

3. Place the mouse Cursor over the Comment that you want to Delete.

How To Remove Comments From Word

How to turn off comments in word

Word Delete Comment Shortcut Whatsapp

4. Next, right-click on the Comment and select Delete Comment option in the menu that appears (See above image).

Comments are closed.