How To Carry More Weight In Skyrim

Player.modav - targets health, carryweight, stamina, magicka and meleedamage and allows all modifications to persist after a game is loaded, useful for increasing carry. Fortify Carry Weight. Ingredients: Creep Cluster or Giant’s Toe or Hawk Beak or Netch Jelly or Poison Bloom or River Betty or Scaly Pholia or Trama Root or Wisp Wrappings. Every Skyrim player knows the feeling of going over the carry limit as they rifle through a dungeon’s chests.

The complete list of Skyrim Special Edition console commands is insanely long, and savvy PC players can change just-about anything in the world with a few commands. There’s so much info out there about the developer console, it’s actually really daunting to get started. If you’re new to Skyrim Special Edition, and if you just want to cut through the fat and find only the most useful console commands, we’ve got you covered.

Here you’ll find our how-to guide to use the console window, which commands are best for beginners, and how to totally cheat. The commands here include; how to get lots of gold, how to change your perks, how to marry anyone, how to easily unlock doors, how to increase carry weight, how to get any item you want and lots more. Basically, we’re covering the stuff players ask for the most. Don’t worry, it’s actually really easy when you get a hang of it!

Beginner’s Console Commands Guide | PC Cheats

If you’re looking to gain lots of gold, get married instantly, change your perks or float through walls, the Developer Console is how you’re going to do it on PC. This special window allows you to, basically, input “Cheat codes” — you can become invincible, move faster, or unlock any number of benefits.

Using the Developer Console and Console Commands is easy, even if all the guides online make it look complicated. Here’s how to get started — the easy way.

  • How to Input Console Commands [Cheats]
    • To open the Developer Console window and input Console Commands, pressTilde [~] — this is the key located above TAB on your keyboard.
    • Type the code into the window to input it, then press ENTER. This will exit the Developer Console Window.
      • EXAMPLE: player.additem f 100
        • This will add 100 gold to your inventory.

Now you can open the Console Commands window and input codes. Now let’s get started and cover all the most important codes you’ll want to use in Skyrim.

Essential Console Commands

Here’s a list of all the basic console commands you’ll want to know. Find more detail about these codes and how they work under each.


  • What does it do?: Entering this command toggles GOD MODE. Input the code again to toggle it off.
    • No damage – No magic / stamina used – No carrying capacity limit – infinite arrows

player.additem f 100000

  • What does it do?: This code gives you 100,000 gold instantly.
    • Raw Version: player.additem <ItemID> <###>
  • If you’re looking for a specific item you want to add, type “help <ItemName>” to search for the item ID.
    • Replace <ItemID> with the value that appears in your search. Replace <###> with the number of items you want.
  • Find all ItemIDs right here. Press Ctrl-F to search what you’re looking for.

tmm 1,1,1

  • What does it do?: Adds all fast travel markers to the map, allowing you to fast travel anywhere right away.

player.modav carryweight 1500

  • What does it do?: Adds 1500 to your current carry weight. This number can be changed to anything you like.
    • Raw Version: player.modav <attribute> <###>
  • Use “player.modav” to change your stats permanently.
  • Find all attributes you can change right here. That includes speed, health, magicka, stamina, and other values.

player.addperk 00079349

  • What does it do?: Adds the perk “All Two-Handed Weapons do Double Damage” — like with items, all perks have their own “perkIDs” and each level of perk has its own unique ID.
    • Raw Version: player.addperk <PerkID>
How To Carry More Weight In Skyrim

How To Carry More Weight In Skyrim

help daedric

  • What does it do?: This code will list all daedric ItemIDs in the developer console window.
    • Raw Version: help <AnyText>
  • Replace <AnyText> with any keyword you’re looking for. This code is invaluable for finding items. Just type in a search term after “help” and the developer console will bring up any ItemIDs related to your text.
  • If the term you’re typing has more than one word, use quotation marks.
    • EXAMPLE: help “elven sword”


  • What does it do?: Instantly changes the sex of a target NPC / actor. If an actor is not targeted, will change the player character’s sex.


  • What does it do?: Toggles collision on / off. You will be able to fly through walls, floors, and anything else! Lets you get amazing views of the environment from the sky. Can also be used to fly to the end of dungeons or over annoying obstacles. Input the code again to toggle it off.
    • Warning: Make sure you toggle this code off while standing above flat ground! Toggling off inside walls / floors may cause your game to crash.


  • What does it do?: Toggles NPC AI on / off on targeted NPC or enemy.
    • Entering this command with no current target will disable AI on all actors in the world. Input again to disable.
Skyrim raise carry weight


  • What does it do?: Like “tai” — this instead only disables COMBAT AI.
    • Disables combat AI on the targeted actor, or will disable combat AI globally if no actors are targeted.


  • What does it do?: Toggles the HUD — perfect for getting awesome screenshots.


  • What does it do?: Re-opens the character customization menu. Allows you to change your race and anything else in a flash, totally for free.

kill / kill all

  • What does it do?: Kills whatever your cursor is targeting. Other target-based console commands include; unlock and resurrect.
    • “kill all” will kill all actors (enemies / NPCs) in your currently loaded cell. Enter a dungeon, then enter this command to kill everything in the area.


  • What does it do?: Like “kill” — unlocks whatever is targeted by your cursor. Will unlock doors / chests.
How To Carry More Weight In Skyrim


  • What does it do?: Resurrects the target actor. Can be used to bring back dead opponents or accidental kills, or just for fun.


  • What does it do?: Gives all spells, shouts, and beast forms. Shouts still require Dragon Souls to activate.
    • WARNING: This may cause your game to crash. Save before attempting!
How do i carry more weight in skyrim

Got your own favorite console commands? List them below, along with any questions you might have!

All told, the Skyrimalchemy system and all of the game’s official add-ons contain 73 different potions and poisons. So, out of that alchemical plethora, what do we think are the 10 most useful Skyrim alchemy recipes? Note that this Skyrim alchemy guide doesn’t cover the most powerful potions, but rather those which are the most likely to be useful during your travels around Skyrim.

Skyrim Alchemy Guide: The Top 10 Most Useful Potions and Poisons in Skyrim

1. Fortify Health + Restore Health

Ingredients: Blue Mountain Flower + Wheat or Blue Mountain Flower + Giant’s Toe + Wheat or Blue Mountain Flower + Giant’s Toe + Imp Stool.

Simple and easy to craft, there are several versions of this potion and they are all useful. In all likelihood, the most commonly used potion for every player are healing potions. Not only do these potions heal you, but they fortify your health on top of that, making you even tougher.

2. Fortify Magicka + Regenerate Magicka + Restore Magicka

Ingredients: Jazbay Grapes + Moon Sugar + Red Mountain Flower.

More effective than a standard magicka potion; although this concoction is a bit tougher to make, it hits you with three beneficial effects all at once. It restores your magicka, speeds up your magicka regen, and fortifies your magicka amount. If you’re playing a mage and need a boost to your magicka reserves for a tough fight, this is a great potion to have on hand.

3. Regenerate Health + Invisibility

Ingredients: Luna Moth Wing + Vampire Dust.

Another relatively simple potion; this potion is excellent for getting out of a tough spot. Surrounded by enemies and on low health? Drink one of these and you can invisibly flee to safety all while your health regenerates ready for you to return to the fight.

4. Fortify Archery

Ingredients: Canis Root or Elves Ear or Juniper Berries or Spider Egg.

This simple fortification potion improves the damage of any bows or crossbows you use. While it’s obviously useful for archer builds, it might actually be of greater use to builds that don’t rely on bows. There are always times in Skyrim when you find yourself having to engage enemies at a distance and pulling out the bow you keep in your inventory just in case, even though your Archery skill is low. In such cases, try drinking one of these potions to make up for that low skill rank as much as possible.

5. Fortify Barter
How to add more carry weight in skyrim

Ingredients: Butterfly Wing or Dragon’s Tongue or Hagraven Claw or Tundra Cotton.

This single-effect potion is extremely useful for practically any build in Skyrim. Drink one of these every time you visit a city to sell off your loot and you’re guaranteed to get better sale prices, without needing to have a high rank in the Speech skill.

6. Fortify Carry Weight

Ingredients: Creep Cluster or Giant’s Toe or Hawk Beak or Netch Jelly or Poison Bloom or River Betty or Scaly Pholia or Trama Root or Wisp Wrappings.

Every Skyrim player knows the feeling of going over the carry limit as they rifle through a dungeon’s chests. Normally, it means either a slow and tiresome trudge back out or having to leave things behind. Or you could drink a potion of Fortify Carry Weight and bring all that excess loot out with you.

7. Fortify Smithing

Ingredients: Blisterwort or Glowing Mushroom or Sabre Cat Tooth or Spriggan Sap.

Harder to come across than the ingredients for a Fortify Barter Potion, the ingredients for this concoction are certainly worth tracking down if you plan on crafting your own equipment. This potion is especially useful at low-to-mid levels when you are still training your Smithing skill; drink one of these, and you can get even better results from using Workbenches and Grindstones, as well as improving your Smithing overall.

How To Carry More Weight In Skyrim Item

8. Fortify Two-Handed + Regenerate Stamina

Ingredients: Bee + Fly Amanita + Troll Fat.

This potion is perfect for dealing with dragons and other monsters who won’t go down in just a couple of swings. Not only does it boost your Two-Handed skill, but it causes your Stamina to regenerate faster, letting you make more heavy attacks than usual. This makes it one of the best Skyrim alchemy recipes for heavy close combat builds.

9. Damage Magicka + Damage Magicka Regen

Ingredients: Glow Dust + Hanging Moss.

Some mages and monsters in Skyrim can be particularly troublesome to deal with thanks to their powerful destruction spells. Hagravens, for example, are often capable of bombarding you with high-power fireballs and other blasts which can quickly eat through your health. This poison is ideal for such scenarios. Hit the frustrating mage in question with a few poisoned arrows and you should find their spell output drop considerably; making it easier for you to find an opening to leap out of cover and attack.

10. Ravage Magicka + Ravage Stamina + Ravage Health

Ingredients: Jazbay Grapes + Scathecraw + Spawn Ash.

How To Carry More Weight In Skyrim Weapons

I couldn’t leave this ruthless poison out of our Skyrim alchemy guide. It can only be created in the Dragonborn add-on, as some of the alchemy ingredients don’t appear in the base game. However, it is well worth the extra journey to Solstheim. The poison causes immediate damage to Health, Magicka, and Stamina, and is especially useful against enemies who rely on more than one.

How To Get More Carry Weight In Skyrim Console Command

So that wraps up our Skyrim alchemy guide! I hope that you find these Skyrim alchemy recipes useful to you on your travels. Don’t forget to save some perks to give your potions a boost when you level up your skill.

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