Queen Of Darkness The First Moon English Patch

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The First Six Bowls of Wrath
Queen of darkness the first moon english patch notes9And the people were scorched by intense heat, and they cursed the name of God, who had authority over these plagues; yet they did not repent and give Him glory. 10

Queen Of Darkness The First Moon English Patch Full

11and curse the God of heaven for their pains and sores; yet they did not repent of their deeds.…
Berean Study Bible · Download
Exodus 10:21
Then the LORD said to Moses, 'Stretch out your hand toward heaven, so that darkness will spread over the land of Egypt--a palpable darkness.'
Exodus 10:22
So Moses stretched out his hand toward heaven, and total darkness covered all the land of Egypt for three days.
Isaiah 8:22
Then they will look to the earth and see only distress and darkness and the gloom of anguish. And they will be driven into utter darkness.
Revelation 8:12
Then the fourth angel sounded his trumpet, and a third of the sun and moon and stars were struck. A third of the stars were darkened, a third of the day was without light, and a third of the night as well.
Revelation 9:2
The star opened the pit of the Abyss, and smoke rose out of it like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke from the pit.
Revelation 13:2
The beast I saw was like a leopard, with the feet of a bear and the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave the beast his power and throne and great authority.

And the fifth angel poured out his vial on the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain,


Revelation 11:2,8
But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months…

Revelation 13:2-4
And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority…

Revelation 17:9,17
And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth…

Queen of darkness the first moon english patch online


Revelation 9:2
And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.

Revelation 18:11-19
And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more: …

Exodus 10:21-23
And the LORD said unto Moses, Stretch out thine hand toward heaven, that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt, even darkness which may be felt…


Revelation 11:10
And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth.

Matthew 13:42,50
And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth…

Matthew 24:51
And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Grouchy Possessor
MansionGloomy Manor

The Grouchy Possessor is the first Possessor boss Luigi faces in Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. He is fought in the Gloomy Manor's Cellar where he has taken over the body of a large spider. The Grouchy Possessor is the cause of the spider web infestation inside the mansion and he also has the second Dark Moon piece.

Ghost Container Description[edit]

This magnificent ghost possessed a spider queen in his efforts to hold on to his Dark Moon piece. Luigi really had to use his noggin to outsmart this spectre! He has his moments.


Luigi sucking up the Possessor's white suit.

The spider he possesses is large and purple. She has four green eyes, a red abdomen, and red and purple legs.

Outside of the spider, the Grouchy Possessor looks like a white ghost with a large horn in the middle of his head. He has three layers of skin. The first one is white, which is seen when Luigi lures it out of the large spider for the first time. The second layer is yellow and the third is red. The Dark Moon piece can be seen inside of him.



Blobs of poison being sent to Luigi.
The possessed large spider attacking Luigi.

During battle, the Grouchy Possessor may attack in several different ways. If Luigi approaches the large spider, it will attack Luigi with its front legs. While Luigi is pulling the webbing from the Possessor's web, it will summon red spiders to attack Luigi. The large spider will also spit out purple goop from its abdomen that travels in a straight line. If Luigi is hit while he is dragging the webbing, he will let go of it and the process needs to be repeated. Each phase change, the large spider will attempt to ram into Luigi. The Grouchy Possessor itself must be sucked up three times, one for each layer of skin - each time Luigi overpowers it, it will abandon its outer layer and retreat to its host to resume the battle.

While outside of the spider, the Grouchy Possessor will attack by charging into Luigi. After this attack, the Grouchy Possessor will be temporarily stunned, opening itself for Luigi to stun the Possessor and capture it before it attempts to ram Luigi or return to the spider.


In order to force the Grouchy Possessor out of its spider host, Luigi must flash the Strobulb at the arachnid when its eyes are open. The large spider will retreat to its web, allowing Luigi to suck up a wad of silk from the web with the Poltergust 5000. Luigi must then drag the ball to a nearby suit of armor holding a torch. The armor will attempt to strike Luigi with its torch, but its long windup allows the heroic plumber to move out of the way and trick the armor into striking the web ball instead. This will ignite the silk and eventually burn the spider's web, dropping it onto its back and forcing the Grouchy Possessor out of its body.

When the Grouchy Possessor is out of its host, Luigi must dodge its charge attack and stun it with the Strobulb before attempting to suck it up. If Luigi is fast enough, however, he can stun the ghost immediately after coming out of the spider's body before it has a chance to ram into him. Since the Possessor has infinite HP, Luigi has to build up the Power Gauge and then use it against the Grouchy Possessor. If Luigi does this successfully, the ghost will lose its outer layer and retreat to the large spider, taking control of it once again.

The Grouchy Possessor's true appearance.

At the beginning of the second phase, the Grouchy Possessor will move the large spider to ram into Luigi, who must keep to the sides of the walls to avoid being hit. After this attack, the large spider will move deeper in the Cellar, breaking down a wall to reveal a second web with a silk ball at the bottom. This time, Luigi must first use the Poltergust 5000's blow function on the chandelier to spin a brown wad of webbing into a torch, which allows it to burn down a web on the right wall that covered a suit of armor with a spear. Luigi must then use the Strobulb on the large spider to stun it before dragging the wad of webbing to the spear-wielding suit of armor, all while avoiding the spider's attacks. As before, Luigi must provoke the armor to attack before moving the silk ball into its path, allowing the armor to stick the silk on its spear. When the armor returns to its idle position with the silk on its spear, Luigi can spin the chandelier again to set the brown webbing alight and spin it into the ball on the spear, burning the large spider's web and sending the Grouchy Possessor out of its host again. Luigi can then repeat his previous strategy against the Possessor to remove its second layer, revealing its red-tinted true form.

The spider queen returning to normal.

After losing its second layer, the Grouchy Possessor will possess the spider one last time. After repeating its charge attack, the spider will break through another wall and perch in front of one final web, this one with two web balls nearby. Luigi must grab the closer web ball (in front of the large spider) and take it to the first suit of armor with the torch while avoiding red spiders and two falling pillars. Once the ball is ignited (in the same way as the webbing in the first phase), Luigi must return to the back of the room (using the burning web ball to destroy oncoming spiders) and burn the web on the right wall, freeing another suit of armor with a torch.

The Grouchy Possessor giving the Toads a ride in the ending.

With this done, Luigi can repeat his strategy from the first phase, blinding the large spider with the Strobulb before dragging the silk ball behind her to the newly-freed suit of armor. After tricking the armor into hitting the silk, the web will burn, the spider will fall, and the Grouchy Possessor will be forced into the open once more. Luigi must repeat his previous tactics against the ghost (dodge its charges, flash it with the Strobulb, and build up power while trapping it with the Poltergust 5000) to finally suck it up for good and retrieve the Dark Moon piece it held.

After Luigi collects the piece, the large spider shrinks down to normal size, freed of her possession at last. She runs off with a horde of red spiders, freaking Luigi out momentarily before he can finally celebrate his victory.

Names in other languages[edit]

From uno, Italian and Spanish for 'one.'
SpanishSupraente gruñónGrumpy supraentity
FrenchMangesprit arachnéenArachnidan spirit-eater
DutchSikkeneurige indringerGrouchy Intruder
GermanGriesgrammeisterGrouchy master
ItalianPossessore brontoloneGrouchy possessor
Portuguese (NOE)Possuidor RabugentoGrouchy Possessor
RussianСмышлёный вселенец
Smyshlyonyy vselenets
Clever Possessor


  • The Grouchy Possessor is the only one of the Possessors to be seen at the end of the game.
    • He is also the only Possessor that actually controls something that is alive without his help (the spider queen).
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon
CharactersLuigi • Mario • Professor Elvin Gadd • Toad • Polterpup • King Boo
Tools/EquipmentDark-Light Device • Dual Scream • Pixelator • Poltergust 5000 • Strobulb
Items and objectsAmethyst • Bill • Bulb • Coin • Diamond • E-Gate • Emerald • Gold Bar • Gold Bone • Key • Paranormal portal • Paranormal shield • Red Coin • Ruby • Sapphire
GhostsNormal GhostsBoo (list) • Creeper • Gobber • Gold Greenie • Greenie • Hider • Mummy • Polterpup (species) • Slammer • Sneaker • Spirit Ball • Statue Armour Ghost • Strong Gobber • Strong Greenie • Strong Hider • Strong Slammer • Strong Sneaker
BossesStory Mode: Ancient Poltergeist • Big Boo • King Boo • Three Poltergeists • Possessors (Grouchy/Harsh/Overset/Shrewd/Tough) • A Strong Gobber, Strong Greenie, and Strong Slammer • Strong Poltergeist • The Three Sisters
ScareScraper: Beetle Whisperer • Bomb Brother • Creeper Launcher • Primordial Goo • Terrible Teleporter • The Brain
Other enemies and speciesBat • Beetle • Crow • Flytrap • Frog • Fuzzball • Mouse • Orange Flower • Robomb • Spider • Trapdoor
AreasGloomy ManorBalcony • Bedroom • Cellar • Coatroom • Common Hall • Dining Room • Entrance • Foyer • Front Yard • Garage • Guard Hall • Kitchen • Lab • Library • Lobby • Master Hall • Mudroom • Mudroom Exterior • Parlor • Patio • Rafters • Secret Pocket • Studio • Study • Under the Stairs
Haunted TowersBotany Lab • Conservatory • Courtyard • Crow's Nest • Crypt • East Hall • Eerie Staircase • Family Room • Garden • Gardener's Dwelling • Gardener's Lab • Greenhouse • Haunted Towers Entrance • Hollow Tree • Hydro Generator • Laboratories • Lounge • Old Graveyard • Plant Nursery • Rooftop Pool • Rumpus Room • Seedling Laboratory • Sewer • Skybridge • Solarium • Tool Shed • Toolshed Stairs • Tower Lobby • Tree House • Tree Root • Water Supply • West Bathroom • West Bedroom • West Garden • West Hall
Old ClockworksAntechamber • Belfry • Belfry Clock • Canyon Hall • Canyon Narrows • Canyon Stairs • Cargo Room • Clock Tower Gate • Clockmaker's Chambers • Clockworks Court • Container Yard • Crank Room • Drafting Office • Finishing Room • Gear Chamber • Kiln Room • Maintenance Hub • Movements • Pit Slide • Quarry • Roundhouse • Roundhouse Pit • Service Elevator • Storage Room • Storm Cellar • Synchro Gantry • Synchronization Room • Tomb • Transportation Hall • Warehouse • Workshop
Secret MineAirway • Basin • Chalet • Chalet Approach • Cinder Mine • Coward's Chasm • Crossroads • Crystal Quarry • Deep Hall • Drift Hall • Frozen Pit • Fishing Hut • Gondola • High Wires • Ice Lake • Maintenance Room • Pit Mine • Prospector's Crossing • Shaft • Skip Slope • Smokehouse • Smuggler's Hideout • Terminal • Under the Ice • Workshop • Workshop Landing
Treacherous MansionAncient Exhibit • Archives • Aviation Exhibit • Bottom of Well • Ceremonial Chamber • Cliffside • Dark Age Exhibit • Dungeon Cells • East Balcony • East Corridor • East Gallery • Front Entrance • Gargoyle Roof • Grand East • Grand West • Guard Tunnel • Haunted Catacombs • Ice Age Exhibit • Inner Courtyard • Jungle Exhibit • Kitchen • Nautical Exhibit • Restrooms • Space Exhibit • Study • Terrace • Train Exhibit • Underground Lab • Veranda • West Balcony • West Corridor • West Gallery
OtherBunker • King Boo's Illusion • Mario's Painting • ScareScraper • E. Gadd's Vault
MiscellaneousGallery • Glitches • Pre-release and unused content • Quotes • Staff
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