Xcom 2 Viper Mods


  • Welcome back to XCOM 2! This is a new War of the Chosen Modded Legend campaign, with quite a few mods I haven't used previously!Mod List: https://steamcommun.
  • List of 31 Best Xcom 2 Mods For 2020. Free Camera Rotation. If you have decided to work with WotC, then free camera rotation is one of the best Xcom 2 Mods. You can set the rotation angle to 24 degrees by default. You can enjoy free camera rotation by just holding Q and E keys. You can zoom the camera by using these Xcom 2 mods.
  • Alien viper xcom xcom2 xcomviper. So, I just started playing XCOM 2 again, so I decided to draw my favorite alien type, the Viper. Except, this one is a defector, working with XCOM instead of ADVENT. On PC I always used a mod that let you use the Aliens on your side, but they stopped working on it before WotC came out.
  • Description This mod builds on the playable alien Viper units introduced in Playable XCOM 2 Aliens, fully fleshing out their roles on the XCOM team with two unique classes using their own custom abilities. Also with as many snake puns as I could fit in.

2 points 2 years ago While not quite the same as what you’re requesting, War of the Chosen has a faction that is made of ADVENT troopers that have broken free of the Elder’s control and you can recruit troops from them.

WeaponBeam Rifle (3-5 damage), Bind (2-3 damage), Poison Spit (3 damage, pierce 1)
AbilitiesPoison Spit, Tongue Pull, Bind and Crush, Release Bind
Xcom 2 Viper ModsXcom
Without the introduction of human DNA, these creatures once operating under the guise of 'thin men' now show their true form: a purely reptilian species.

–Dr. Tygan upon encountering the first Viper

Since the original invasion, the role of an infiltration unit became less important, and when infiltrators were needed, the shapeshifting Faceless were a great improvement on the uncanny Thin Men. As such, attempts to hide their true nature ceased, and they were allowed to return to their original, snakelike genome for the most part.

Vipers begin to appear around the second month of the game. Successors of the Snakemen (technically Snake women, if their impressive busts are any indication- it's best not to think about why a reptilian species would need breasts), they serve a variety of combat roles, making their actions somewhat unpredictable. They are also the first enemy fielded to benefit from Dodge, which combined with their good HP, leaves them somewhat difficult to take down quickly in the early game.


Vipers have three noteworthy abilities, as well as their standard plasma weapon attacks.

Viper Abilities

Attempts to pull a single human adjacent to the Viper.

Isolates a single enemy in a grapple, damaging them and disabling them until the Viper is disrupted.

Acid Spit
Spits a cloud of acid that damages over time, as well as reducing the victims aim and mobility.


Vipers are a dangerous enemy when first encountered, and have no great weaknesses to exploit. Their HP isn't too shabby at the point you encounter them, and while they have no armor, their high Dodge can frustrate your efforts to kill them. Their high movement speed can allow them to get easy flanks and their plasma rifles will grant them one-shot kills if they crit even mid-game. If you guard against flanks, they can still disrupt your troops very effectively with Pull and Poison Spit. Using grenades to destroy a Vipers cover and focusing fire is effective as always, but can be difficult if other high-threat enemies like Stun Lancers are also in the pod demanding your attention. Thankfully, Vipers don't receive any upgrades over time, so teching up will eventually make them trivial.

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Xcom 2 Sassy Viper Mod


Xcom 2 Viper Mods 1.12.2

Note that their Pull and Bind, while it disables your soldier, also effectively disables the Viper. This can in some ways be a blessing in disguise, since the 2 damage per round of Bind is often less damage than the Viper could be doing running around with its rifle. Aliens will never fire on a Bound enemy, so your soldier is safe for the duration. In addition, after the soldier is released from the Bind they can act immediately and there's no 'Catch Breath' debuff like there is with Enemy Unknown Seekers, so your soldier is in an excellent position to punish any remaining enemies in the Viper's pod.

While it may take some time to aim, it is usually possible to lob a grenade that will hit a Viper, but will not harm a soldier bound by Viper.

Xcom 2 Viper X Humans

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