Play Facade Game Online No Download

Facade offers something truly different in terms of concept, game play and genre. But is it any good? Read on to find out. Lovers of films such as AI will be thrilled to discover that for the first time ever Artificial Intelligence plays a starring role. This is an adventure game with a weird twist. When Facade was released in 2005, people were wondering what in the world it even was. If anything, the Facade was played by people who only knew of it due to memes and online parodies of the game. The graphics were so bad that it somehow was good. There's no explanation for this phenomenon in gaming.

  1. Play Facade Free Online
Play Facade Game Online No DownloadPlay facade game freeGameFacade game play online no download
Facade (Façade) is an interactive, first-person experience, where you'll take on the role of a dinner guest at the house of two friends. These friends are a couple that, after their wedding and honeymoon, seem to be going through a rough patch. What happens during the dinner depends completely on you, the dinner guest.
Although it's camouflaged as a first person-adventure, Façade is an authentic experiment in terms of artificial intelligence, whose objective is to transcend the classic tree narrative present in the majority of video games. In other words, in Façade you won't find correct or incorrect answers that will lead you to predetermined situations. Instead, all of the action develops like it would in an improvised piece. You can control your character's movement, name him or her, and move freely throughout the hosts' house. Likewise, you can communicate with them by writing anything on the screen. If you write something that doesn't make sense, your character will say something that doesn't make any sense. If you say something offensive, they'll be offended.
Other possible interactions in Façade include hugging either one of the two characters in the game or grabbing some objects in the scene. Everything you do will have its consequences and you'll rarely play the same game twice. Façade is a unique interactive experience that doesn't get old. Its graphics are not very attractive, but the 'game' offers a lot aside from that.

AI indie PC game
ABL AI, Java, C++
Download for Windows
5M+ downloads
100M+ YouTube views
The New York Times
Atlantic Monthly
Future of Storytelling

Play Facade Free Online

AI indie PC game
Download for Windows
5M+ downloads, 100M+ YouTube views
The New York Times, Atlantic Monthly, Guardian, Future of Storytelling
ABL AI, Java, C++
(Built at our previous dev studio, Procedural Arts)

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